House Dumastin

House Dumastin is a lesser Ishgardian noble house in service of house Durendaire. They are descendants of Ser Ardemont Dumastin, a Durendaire House Knight that was lorded for his bravery in the Dragonsong War more than 10 generations ago.Its symbol is two silver keys crossed on a field of dark purple, and its maxim is 'For every lock a key'. Dumastin's colours are purple and silver.The house has modest manor in the lower levels of the Pillars, which is nicknamed 'The Repository'.


Baron Armien Dumastin died in the Dragonsong War many turns ago, leaving his widow as its ruling lady until their eldest son is old and experienced enough to claim his barony.The current state of the house is difficult to determine, as baroness Morgette has kept them far away from the politics of Ishgard since the death of her husband. She has instead focused solely on building up the house's treasury through commerce and investments, and is known to have taken up a wide variety of promising wards.The house now has considerable wealth, but lacks the influence it once had without a ruling lord to navigate the male-dominated landscape of Ishgard's nobility.That might soon change, however. Lord Marcelloix de Dumastin will be celebrating his twenty-and-first nameday this turn, and with it comes the expectation that he will be making his introductions into Ishgard's high society.He is expected to claim his barony no later than his twenty-and-fifth, which leaved him precious little time to learn all he needs to know to navigate the the highest circles of Ishgard amidst a changing world.

Baroness Morgette de Dumastin

The widow Dumastin has worked tirelessly to build a strong foundation of wealth that her son can use when he comes of ruling age. She isn't without kindness, but has had to be quite no-nonsense and stern in the seasons since her husband died.
Morgette has kept herself and her hourse out of the spotlight for many seasons now, only really letting her influence be felt through the investments she makes and the promising, often female, wards she takes on.
Things are changing for lady Morgette though. Her son is reaching the age where he is expected to take over as head of the house, and he needs to be introduced to high society if he is to stand a chance in those circles in the turns to come.

Lord Marcelloix de Dumastin

Lord Marcelloix is the eldest son of the late baron Armien de Dumastin, which makes him the heir to the house's titles and lands.He was but a child when his father died in the war, and has lived a life of relative privacy since then thanks to the efforts of his mother. Most of his youth was focused on preparing him for his barony, training him in commerce, etiquette, the arts of war, hunting, and all the other things a good baron needs to know.He has taken on his lessons dutifully, though there are rumours that he is not very enthusiastic about the prospect of taking over from his mother.House Dumastin's tradition dictates that he will take up the mantle of baron at five-and-twenty. Now nearly one-and-twenty, the Baroness has decided the time is now to emerge from the shadows so Marcelloix can make his introduction into high society. It remains to be seen how well the heir de Dumastin holds up under the scrutiny of Ishgardian's finest.

Other scions of the house


Baroness Morgette de Dumastin

The widow Dumastin has worked tirelessly to build a strong foundation of wealth that her son can use when he comes of ruling age. She isn't without kindness, but has had to be quite no-nonsense and stern in the seasons since her husband died.
Morgette has kept herself and her hourse out of the spotlight for many seasons now, only really letting her influence be felt through the investments she makes and the promising, often female, wards she takes on.
Things are changing for lady Morgette though. Her son is reaching the age where he is expected to take over as head of the house, and he needs to be introduced to high society if he is to stand a chance in those circles in the turns to come.

Basic information

NAME: Morgette de Dumastin
TITLES & AFFILIATION: Baroness of house Dumastin. Acting head of the house until her son comes to ruling age
AGE: In her forties RACE: Elezen GENDER: Female SERVER: Mateus/Crystal PLAYER: Q


GENERAL: Morgette is an older Elezen woman with silver-grey hair with a proud and stern air about her. It is hard to get to know her, as she tends to be polite but distant with anyone who isn't sworn to her house.PIOUS: Baroness Morgette always carries an intricately crafted rosary with her, the beads made of deep purple amethyst set in silver. Church services are the only place she has been seen in public regularly in the turns since her husband died, but even there she keeps mostly to herself.

RP hooks

BARONESS: Morgette is mostly a background character that serves as the distant ruler of house Dumastin. She is therefore only taken out on request.PATRONESS: Have a business venture that needs investors? Morgette is interested in spending her money to make money, so people looking for a wealthy patroness should keep her mind.The same is true for those that want their character to be a ward. Morgette is known for taking promising, talented people under her wing regardless of social of economic standing, as long as they are Ishgardian, of course.

Lord Marcelloix de Dumastin

Lord Marcelloix is the eldest son of the late baron Armien de Dumastin, which makes him the heir to the house's titles and lands.He was but a child when his father died in the war, and has lived a life of relative privacy since then thanks to the efforts of his mother. Most of his youth was focused on preparing him for his barony, training him in commerce, etiquette, the arts of war, hunting, and all the other things a good baron needs to know.He has taken on his lessons dutifully, though there are rumours that he is not very enthusiastic about the prospect of taking over from his mother.House Dumastin's tradition dictates that he will take up the mantle of baron at five-and-twenty. Now nearly one-and-twenty, the Baroness has decided the time is now to emerge from the shadows so Marcelloix can make his introduction into high society. It remains to be seen how well the heir de Dumastin holds up under the scrutiny of Ishgardian's finest.

Basic information

NAME: Marcelloix de Dumastin
TITLES & AFFILIATION: Baroness of house Dumastin. Acting head of the house until her son comes to ruling age
AGE: In her forties RACE: Elezen GENDER: Female SERVER: Mateus/Crystal PLAYER: Q


GENERAL: Morgette is an older Elezen woman with silver-grey hair with a proud and stern air about her. It is hard to get to know her, as she tends to be polite but distant with anyone who isn't sworn to her house.PIOUS: Baroness Morgette always carries an intricately crafted rosary with her, the beads made of deep purple amethyst set in silver. Church services are the only place she has been seen in public regularly in the turns since her husband died, but even there she keeps mostly to herself.

OOC Information

Hello and thank you for taking the time to look over these profiles. Here is some OOC info that might be handy to know if you'd like to RP with anyone from house Dumastin.

Contact information

IN-GAME: Feel free to send a tell if you see any of these characters in-game.
TUMBLR: Eorzea Today (not specific to these characters)
DISCORD: On request (in-game or Tumblr DM) or feel free to poke me if you saw this advert in a Discord server


TIME ZONE: Central Europe, 6 hours ahead of ET/EDT
ACTIVE: During the weekends mostly
MEDIUM: I prefer in-game RP for a first meeting and shorter scenes. For long-term and/or plot-heavy RP I prefer to use Discord. It makes it easier to schedule, especially with people from different timezones.


MATURE: I RP with 18+ people only, and expect a certain level of OOC communication from long-term RP partners. In other words, please communicate, and let me know if you're having fun. I'll do the same.LORE COMPLIANT: I love world building and working with the gaps SE has given us. This means that some level of lore bending will happen, as my entire concept relies on a player-written house. I stay in the lines as I understand them, and don't enjoy blatant lore-breaking or alternate realities.WRITING STYLE: I prefer paragraph RP and don't often do well with quick-fire one-liners unless it's in a busy group event. I do not like easy solutions to everything, and prefer long-term plots and stories over one-time interactions.THEMES: I'm open to a lot of themes, from humorous to dark and everything in between. That said I like darker themes to have a certain gravitas to them, and don't usually enjoy RP that just follows the rule of cool blindly, is mean-spirited, or makes light of serious issues like addiction and mental problems. ERP is on the table, but as with everything else I prefer it to have meaning and influence on the story/character, and not just be gratuitous.